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[Node] Node.js Node.js is a javascript runtime built on Chrome's V8 javascript engine. Installation I recommend the installation through nvm. 2020/08/30 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Node] NVM Usage Run javascript files $ node 2020. 8. 30.
[Node] NVM (Node Version Manager) ※ 08.30.2020 - v1.1.7 nvm is a version manager for node.js, designed to be installed per-user, and invoked per-shell. Installation On Mac $ brew install nvm Next, create a folder for nvm. $ mkdir ~/.nvm After installs it, add the below code in your shell profile. export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "/usr/local/opt/nvm/nvm.sh" ] && . "/usr/local/opt/nvm/nvm.sh" [ -s "/usr/local/opt/nvm/etc/bash_comp.. 2020. 8. 30.
[CSS] Margin / Border / Padding About 22 years ago, when I first learned CSS, this concept was difficult to me. I will explain this for someone who is unfamiliar with this concept like me at that time. Overview First of all, I will show you a figure. This is a concept figure of margin, border and padding. The inner area including the border is the size of the element. However the size of element expand with border width, so yo.. 2020. 8. 30.
[Python] venv venv provides python virtual environment, so it helps to separate a package dependencies per project. we had to use virtualenv before Python 3.4, but since then it has been built-in as a basic tool. Usage The following usage contains a . It means that the name of virtual environment and it will become a folder name as well. Create a virtual environment $ python3 -m venv Activate a virtual enviro.. 2020. 8. 29.
[Python] pyenv pyenv is a python version managing tool. Installation On MAC $ brew install pyenv On Windows Previously, we should use a pip. $ pip3 install pyenv-win --target $HOME/.pyenv But, now!!! We can use the chocolatey~!!! YAY~!!! $ choco install -y pyenv-win We no longer have to add environment variables directly !!! Usage Show available list $ pyenv install -l Show installed list $ pyenv versions Show.. 2020. 8. 29.
[CSS] Flexbox Flexbox is the commonly-used name for the CSS flexible box layout model. Flexbox displays a single dimension as a row or a column. flex is a new value added to the CSS display property. Along with inline-flex it causes the elements that it applies to become a flex container, and the element's children to each become a flex item. I will explain the flexbox through the example. This is a default c.. 2020. 8. 28.
[Go] Getting Started (시작하기) ※ 08/28/2020 - v1.15 Installation Official Homepage https://golang.org/dl You can download and install Go through this official website. You can also install Go with package managers. On MAC $ brew install go On Windows I am using Chocolatey. If you use this, you can install Go like this. $ choco install -y golang GOROOT On Windows GOROOT is an installation path of Go. Based on the current versi.. 2020. 8. 28.
[CSS] BEM (Block Element Modifier) Overview BEM is a methodology that helps you to create reusable components and code sharing in web FE development. CSS codes developed without any structure or naming conventions leads to an unmaintainable in the long term. The advantages of BEM are modularity, reusability, and structure. So if we follow the BEM method, it allows us to solve these problems. Block A standalone entity that is mean.. 2020. 8. 28.
[CSS] Pseudo Classes and Pseudo Elements Not all elements have a pseudo classes and pseudo elements. Therefore, you have to carefully use it. Pseudo Classes :active This represents an element that is being activated by the user. :checked This represents any radio, checkbox, or option element that is checked or toggled to an on state. :first-child This represents the first element among a group of sibling elements. :focus This represent.. 2020. 8. 27.