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[Electron] Tray 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray The subject of this posting is about a tray. As yo.. 2020. 9. 1.
[Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray This post is about the global shortcut of Electron.. 2020. 9. 1.
[Electron] Menu 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray The Electron has two types of menus: application m.. 2020. 9. 1.
[Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray As I said, the Electron works with main process an.. 2020. 9. 1.
[Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray I'm writing about BrowserWindow more detail. In a .. 2020. 8. 31.
[Electron] Getting Started ※ v9.2.1 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray Project Configuration Create a project fo.. 2020. 8. 31.
[Windows] Chocolatey Chocolatey is the package manager for windows. I've been using it for several years. It was awesome, so I love it. Installation Open the shell with admin mode. $ Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolat.. 2020. 8. 30.
[Node] yarn yarn is a package manager like npm. Installation Install yarn to system. $ npm i -g yarn Lock the yarn version used by the project. $ yarn set version Usage Show help $ yarn help Show current version $ yarn --version Update to the latest version $ yarn set version latest Create a new project configuration $ yarn init $ yarn init -y Add a package $ yarn add $ yarn add --dev (-D) $ yarn add --peer.. 2020. 8. 30.
[Node] NPM (Node Package Manager) npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. It also helps to manage the project. Project Initialization Initialize a proejct $ npm init $ npm init -y It will create the package.json file. If run the command with -y option, it creates the default settings. If not, it creates with interactive mode. Description name: Project name Should be less than 214 characters Don't start .. 2020. 8. 30.