web4 Getting Started with React + Typescript + TailwindCSS In this posting, we will figure out to create a project with CRA(Create-React-App) with Typescript and TailwindCSS. CRA with Typescript Let's create a project first. $ npx create-react-app --template typescript Move on to the project folder. $ cd Let's run our app as a test. $ yarn start Add TailwindCSS Now, let's install TailwindCSS. $ yarn add tailwindcss postcss If you successfully installed .. 2020. 12. 10. [Python] requests module requests is a simple HTTP library for Python. Let's find out about it. Installation $ pip install requests Test Server I will use some test servers for example. httpbin.org httpbin.org is a simple HTTP request and response service. jsonplaceholder.typicode.com jsonplaceholder.typicode.comis a fake online REST API server. Usage You can simply use this. import requests rsp = requests.post("http://.. 2020. 10. 8. [Web] About Robots.txt robots.txt is an international recommendation that allows or restricts search robots to collect sites and web pages. The robots.txt file must always be located in the root directory of the site and must be written as a plain text file that complies with the robot exclusion standard. Search robots, etc. for illegal purposes may not comply with the robots.txt rule. Therefore, the information that .. 2020. 10. 7. [Web] Testing Rest API on VS Code Sometimes we want to simply test the backend that we have made. Also, these days the editor that is the most used is definitely VS Code. So in this posting, I will show you the simple Rest API test method on VS Code. Installation All we need is just REST Client extensions. Find humao.rest-client in the extensions marketplace, and install it. Back-End And, I don't have a backend right now, so I'l.. 2020. 9. 30. 이전 1 다음