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[Jest] JavaScript Code Unit Testing Jest is introduced on the homepage as "Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity". In other words, Jest is used for testing JavaScript. As far as I know, Jest is based on Jasmine, so it is similar to Jasmine. Now, let's learn the fundamental of Jest. Installation Install Jest in your project folder. $ yarn add -D jest or $ npm i -D jest Configuration Now, add s.. 2020. 10. 1.
[JavaScript] Callback, Promise, Async/Await In the case of synchronous code, the code runs in blocking mode. In other words, the next statement can not be executed and waits until the previous statement is completed. So, we need to use the asynchronous code. If we use the asynchronous code, we can execute the next statement simultaneously and execute statements related to asynchronous code after the asynchronous code finishes. Now, Let's .. 2020. 9. 18.
[JavaScript] JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) JSON is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. It is commonly used for transmitting data in web applications. Initially, it was made for JavaScript, but many other languages have libraries to handle it as well. JSON Structure A JSON is a string whose format very much resembles JavaScript object literal format. Here is a simple example of .. 2020. 9. 17.
[React] useState Hooks Overview useState Hooks is used when managing a state value of React component. State value can be understood as something like a local variable of React component. Therefore, even if the same component is used, the internal state value is managed separately for each component. const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue); The syntax is like the above code. The useState Hooks returns state v.. 2020. 9. 2.
[React] prop-types prop-types is the official react tool, runtime type checking for React props and similar objects. But, I think if you need this feature, TypeScript is a better choice. Installation You can install prop-types through yarn or npm. $ yarn add -D prop-types $ npm i -D prop-types Usage Example prop-types helps to improve readability and ease maintenance by clearly setting the information of type as t.. 2020. 9. 2.
[JavaScript] Object Destructuring Object destructuring is a grammar in which multiple properties of an object can be easily assigned as variables. Unordered Assignment const obj = { width: 20, height: 30 }; const { height, width } = obj; console.log(`width: ${width}, height: ${height}`); //=> Result // width: 20, height: 30 Aliasing const obj = { width: 20, height: 30 }; const { width: w, height: h } = obj; console.log(`width: $.. 2020. 9. 2.
[JavaScript] Array Destructuring Array destructuring is a grammar in which multiple values of an array can be easily assigned as variables. Ordered Assignment const arr = [1, 2]; const [a, b] = arr; console.log(`a: ${a}, b: ${b}`); //=> Result // a: 1, b: 2 Default Value const arr = [1]; const [a = 10, b = 20] = arr; console.log(`a: ${a}, b: ${b}`); //=> Result // a: 1, b: 20 The arr has one element, but it tries to assign two .. 2020. 9. 2.
[Electron] Tray 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray The subject of this posting is about a tray. As yo.. 2020. 9. 1.
[Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray This post is about the global shortcut of Electron.. 2020. 9. 1.
[Electron] Menu 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray The Electron has two types of menus: application m.. 2020. 9. 1.
[Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray As I said, the Electron works with main process an.. 2020. 9. 1.
[Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Getting Started 2020/08/31 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] BrowserWindow 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] IPC (Inter Process Communication) 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Menu 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Global Shortcut 2020/09/01 - [Web/JavaScript] - [Electron] Tray I'm writing about BrowserWindow more detail. In a .. 2020. 8. 31.