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[PyCharm] Shortcuts Code Completion - ⌃Space Format one line - ⌃⌥I Format current file - ⌥⇧⌘L 2021. 1. 31.
[PyCharm] Run Flask Application on PyCharm In this posting, I explain how to run the Flask application on PyCharm. Installation On Mac I used the HomeBrew for installation. $ brew insstall --cask pycharm-ce On Windows I used the Chocolatey for installation. $ choco install -y pycharm-community Flask Application Let's make a very simple application for testing. from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello(): ret.. 2021. 1. 26.
[Git] Restore Command This command restores working tree files. This command is experimental. (v2.29.0) Description Restore specified paths in the working tree with some contents from a restore source. If a path is tracked but does not exist in the restore source, it will be removed to match the source. Usage Restore Specified Paths $ git restore Specify the Restore location If neither option is specified, by default.. 2020. 10. 23.
[Git] Switch Command This command helps to switch branches. This command is experimental. (v2.29.0) Description Switch to a specified branch. The working tree and the index are updated to match the branch. Usage Switch to Specified Branch $ git switch Create a New Branch and Switch to the Branch $ git switch -c $ git switch --create $ git switch -c Forced Switch to Specified Branch Proceed even if the index or the w.. 2020. 10. 23.
[Git] Config Command The config command is used to config the Git. Scope The configuration of Git has three scopes. system : /etc/gitconfig global : ~/.gitconfig local : /.git/config Usually, the configurations to be applied commonly to all projects are placed in global, and the configurations to be applied per project are placed in local. The priority is local > global > system. Usage $ git config --system $ git co.. 2020. 9. 23.
[Git] Getting Started git Git is a distributed version control system. It is designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Installation - Mac Mac has Git already. $ brew install git git-lfs - Linux (Ubuntu) $ sudo apt install git git-lfs - Windows $ choco install -y git git-lfs Git Basics Repository The git repository is a repository managed by the Git. This is a simple us.. 2020. 9. 23.