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[JavaScript] Variable

by llHoYall 2022. 6. 18.

There are two types of variables in JS.

One is a mutable type and the other is an immutable type.

And, we use var, let, and const keywords for defining a variable.

Mutable Variable

We use the var and let keyword for defining mutable variables.

In the past, we used var, but now, we usually use let because var has issues like scope and hoisting.

let mutable_var = 'I am a mutable variable.';
// I am a mutable variable.

mutable_var = 'I can be modified.'; 
// I can be modified.

Literally, a mutable variable can be modified after it is defined.

Immutable Variable

We use the const keyword when we define immutable variables.

const immutable_var = 'I am an immutable variable.';
// I am an immutable variable.

immutable_var = 'I can not be modified.';
// => Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

As you can see in this example code, immutable variables can't be modified after it is defined.

Naming Convention

In naming the variables, we can use all the characters, numbers, underscore (_), and dollar sign ($) except for the special characters.

And we can't start with numbers.

We can't use reserved words for naming variables.

In JS, we normally use the camel case for naming variables and functions and the pascal case for naming class and constructor.

Reserved Words

await break case catch class const continue debugger
default delete do else enum export extends false
finally for function if implements import in instanceof
interface let new null package private protected public
return super static switch this throw true try
typeof var void while with yield    

Variable Reassignment

Unlike the same language as C, JS is allocated new memory space whenever a value is assigned to a variable.

The discarded memory spaces are cleaned up by the GC (Garbage Collector).

Fortunate for you, JS is a managed language, so you don't need to care about memory management.


If you have an experiment with other languages, this is the most confusing concept.

Simply hoisting is the automatic movement of the declaration to the top.

Let me describe it in more detail.

When we execute JS code, JS first prepares to execute the source code through the evaluation process of the source code.

In this process, JS finds all declaration statements and executes them.

Therefore, it seems as if the declaration has been moved to the top.

All JS variables are assigned undefined as default values at this time.


Let's see the example.

// undefined

hoisting_var = 'I am used before definition.';
// I am used before definition.

var hoisting_var = 'I am a hoisting variable.';
// I am a hoisting variable.

Like the above example, we can use variables before it is defined.


If we use let instead of var, we face errors.

In the var case, undefined variables are hoisted with the undefined type.

On the other hand, in the let and const case, undefined variables are hoisted with the uninitialized state.

var vs let vs const

Type Scope Hoisting Mutable
var Function Hoisting Mutable
let Block Hoisting Mutable
const Block Hoisting Immutable

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