[Mac] Homebrew
※ 09/23/2020
Homebrew is a package manager for Mac.
When you use Homebrew, you will see the formula, it is a simple Ruby script.
This is an extension of Homebrew. It helps to install and manage GUI Mac applications.
This is a simple command-line interface for the Mac App Store.
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
Embedded in the Homebrew.
$ brew tap homebrew/cask-drivers
$ brew install mas
$ brew help [command]
Show List of Installed Programs
$ brew list
$ brew list --cask
Search Programs from Online
$ brew search <programs>
$ brew search --cask <programs>
Install Specific Programs
$ brew install <programs>
$ brew install --cask <programs>
Uninstall Specific Programs
$ brew uninstall <programs>
# Force uninstall, even if it depends on other packages
$ brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies <programs>
Update and Upgrade the Installed Programs
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade [prgrams]
Symlink all of the formula's installed files into Homebrew's prefix
$ brew link --overwrite <formula>
In other words, make a symlink in /usr/local/bin folder.
You can get the list of installed programs
$ mas list
You can get the ID of specified programs.
$ mas search <programs>
You can install programs.
$ mas install <ID>
You can purchase the programs.
$ mas purchase <ID>
You can upgrade the installed programs.
$ mas upgrade [ID]
You can signin or signout of Mac App Store.
$ mas signin <apple account>
$ mas signout <apple account>
After you save the list of applications you want to install on Brewfile, you can install them at once.
This is an example of Brewfile.
# Brewfile
brew "mas"
brew "git
cask "google-chrome"
cask "docker"
mas "KakaoTalk", id: 869223134
After moving to the folder where Brewfile is stored, enter the following command to install it.
$ brew bundle
To save applications currently installed on Mac as BrewFile, enter the following command.
$ brew bundle dump