
[JavaScript] Number Object

llHoYall 2022. 7. 7. 21:49

The Number object is a standard built-in object that is useful when handling the primitive type of numbers.

Number Definition

We can create an instance whose type is the Number using the Number() constructor.

const numObj = new Number(); // [Number: 0]
const numObj = new Number(10); // [Number: 10]
const numObj = new Number('10'); // [Number: 10]
const numObj = new Number('test'); // [Number: NaN]

However, this is not often used.

It returns the value of the primitive type not an instance of the Number if we use it without the new operator.

Number('-5'); // -5
Number('3.14'); // 3.14
Number('test'); // NaN
Number(true); // 1
Number(false); // 0

Number Property


This property is used to solve errors caused by floating points.

It was introduced in ES6.

function isEqual(x, y) {
  return Math.abs(x - y) < Number.EPSILON;

0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3; // false
isEqual(0.1 + 0.2, 0.3); // true


These properties are the maximum and minimum positive numeric values representable in JS.

It was introduced in ES6.

Number.MAX_VALUE; // 1.7976931348623157e+308
Number.MIN_VALUE; // 5e-324


These properties are the maximum and minimum safe integers in JS.

Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; // 9007199254740991 (2^53 - 1)
Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; // -9007199254740991 (-(2^53 - 1))


These properties are the positive and negative Infinity values.

Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // Infinity
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // -Infinity


This property represents Not-a-Number.

Number.NaN; // NaN

Number Method

The built-in global functions have implicit type coercion to number types, but the methods of the Number object do not have implicit type coercion.


This method determines whether the passed value is a finite number.

It was introduced in ES6.

Number.isFinite(0); // true
Number.isFinite(Number.MAX_VALUE); // true
Number.isFinite(Infinity); // false
Number.isFinite(NaN); // false

isFinite(null); // true
Number.isFinite(null); // false
isFinite(true); // true
Number.isFinite(true); // false


This method determines whether the passed value is an integer.

It was introduced in ES6.

Number.isInteger(0); // true
Number.isInteger(-5); // true
Number.isInteger(3.14); // false
Number.isInteger('2'); // false
Number.isInteger(true); // false
Number.isInteger(Infinity); // false


This method determines whether the passed value is NaN and its type is Number.

It was introduced in ES6.

Number.isNaN(NaN); // true

isNaN(undefined); // true
Number.isNaN(undefined); // false


This method determines whether the provided value is a number that is a safe integer.

The safe integer value is between -(2^53 - 1) ~ (2^53 - 1).

It was introduced in ES6.

Number.isSafeInteger(0); // true
Number.isSafeInteger(1234567890); // true
Number.isSafeInteger(-1234567890); // true
Number.isSafeInteger(3.14); // false
Number.isSafeInteger(10000000000000000); // false
Number.isSafeInteger('2'); // false


This method parses an argument and returns a floating-point number.

Number.parseFloat(2); // 2
Number.parseFloat(3.14); // 3.14
Number.parseFloat('2'); // 2
Number.parseFloat('3.14'); // 3.14


This method parses a string argument and returns an integer of the specified radix or base.

Number.parseInt(2); // 2
Number.parseInt(3.14); // 3
Number.parseInt('2'); // 2
Number.parseInt('3.14'); // 3
Number.parseInt('1111011', 2); // 123
Number.parseInt('173', 8); // 123
Number.parseInt('7b', 16); // 123


This method returns a string representing the Number object in exponential notation.

It accepts the number of digits below the decimal point as a parameter.

(123.4567).toExponential(); // 1.234567e+2
(123.4567).toExponential(1); // 1.2e+2
(123.4567).toExponential(3); // 1.235e+2


This method formats a number using fixed-point notation.

It accepts the number of digits below the decimal point as a parameter.

(12.56).toFixed(); // 13
(12.56).toFixed(1); // 12.6
(12.56).toFixed(2); // 12.56
(12.56).toFixed(3); // 12.560


This method returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this number.

It can accept the locales as a first parameter and options as a second parameter.

We can enter multiple locales in an array and try to apply them in order. If the current one is not supported, try to apply the following.

(12345).toLocaleString(); // U.S. (12,345)
(12345).toLocaleString('en-IN'); // India (12,345)
(12345).toLocaleString('zh-Hans-CN-u-nu-hanidec'); // Chinese (一二,三四五)
(12345).toLocaleString(['ban', 'id']); // Balinese, Indonesian (12.345)
(12345).toLocaleString('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }); // 12.345,00 €
(12345).toLocaleString('ja-JP', { style: 'currency', currency: 'JPY' }) // ¥12,345


This method returns a string representing the Number object to the specified precision by rounding.

It accepts the total number of digits as a parameter.

(123.456).toPrecision(); // 123.456
(123.456).toPrecision(1); // 1e+2
(123.456).toPrecision(2); // 1.2e+2


This method returns a string representing the specified Number object.

It can accept the radix or base as a parameter.

(123).toString(); // 123
(123).toString(2); // 1111011
(123).toString(8); // 173
(123).toString(16); // 7b