[Svelte] Slot
Slot allows components to have sub-elements.
Simple Example
Slot feature can be used via slot tag.
<!-- components/Slot.svelte -->
<slot>Fallback Content</slot>
slot tag gets the content from the parent.
If there is not any content from a parent, the fallback content is used.
<script lang="ts">
import Slot from '../components/Slot.svelte';
<Slot />
A parent component can pass the sub-elements to a child component.
Named Slot
We can give a name to slot for identification.
<!-- components/NamedSlot.svelte -->
<slot name="name">Name</slot>
<slot name="age">Age</slot>
The order is important.
It displays in the order specified here.
<script lang="ts">
import NamedSlot from '../components/NamedSlot.svelte';
<NamedSlot />
<span slot="name">HoYa</span>
<span slot="age">18</span>
<span slot="age">18</span>
<strong slot="name">HoYa</strong>
You can put the corresponding name into slot.
props of Slot
Slot can pass values back to the parent using props.
<!-- components/SlotKey.svelte -->
<slot name="email" domain="@gmail.com" />
Any information desired to expose can be specified in the slot in the form of key={value}.
<script lang="ts">
import SlotKey from '../components/SlotKey.svelte';
<span slot="email" let:domain>test{domain}</span>
The parent exposes the values to the slot template using the let: directive.
We can use the values via interpolation.
Slot Forwarding
Slot can be forwarded.
In this example, I will make an index.svelte first.
<script lang="ts">
import ParentSlot from '../components/ParentSlot.svelte';
<h1>Parent Slot</h1>
<div slot="parent">Slot Forwarding</div>
Let's forward these sub-elements to a child component through a parent component.
<!-- components/ParentSlot.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
import ChildSlot from './ChildSlot.svelte';
<slot />
<slot name="parent" slot="child" />
The parent component just passes data to the child component.
<!-- components/ChildSlot.svelte -->
<slot />
<slot name="child" />
The child component displays the received data.
Svelte provides a function to check the presence or absence of a slot that has passed over.
<!-- components/SlotsObject.svelte -->
{#if $$slots.name}
<div class="item">
<slot name="name" />
{#if $$slots.age}
<div class="item">
<slot name="age" />
{#if $$slots.email}
<div class="item">
<slot name="email" />
{#if $$slots.default}
<div class="item">
<slot />
.item {
box-sizing: border-box;
border: 1px solid silver;
$$slots object contains the existence of the slots as boolean form.
Named slot is appeared by its name and no-named slot is appeared by default name.
You can check it through console.log
<script lang="ts">
import SlotsObject from '../components/SlotsObject.svelte';
<h1 slot="name">HoYa</h1>
<h2 slot="age">18</h2>
<h3 slot="email">test@example.com</h3>
Test this by removing some slots.