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[Svelte] Using TailwindCSS on Svelte TailwindCSS is my favorite CSS framework. Let's use TailwindCSS on Svelte. Create an Application Create a svelte application via a template. Please see Create an Application section on the below post. 2021.09.14 - [Web/Etc] - [Svelte] Getting Started with VSCode Add TailwindCSS Add dependencies for TailwindCSS. $ yarn add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer or $ npm install -D tailwindcss postcs.. 2021. 9. 14.
[Svelte] Getting Started with VSCode Svelte is a framework that aims to "write less code", "no virtual dom", and "truly reactive". Therefore, the application code and result of svelte are simple and tiny. Create an Application Let's create a svelte application using the template. $ npx degit sveltejs/template getting-started Move to the application folder. $ cd getting-started Enable TypeScript. $ node scripts/setupTypeScript.js In.. 2021. 9. 14.
[Web] About Robots.txt robots.txt is an international recommendation that allows or restricts search robots to collect sites and web pages. The robots.txt file must always be located in the root directory of the site and must be written as a plain text file that complies with the robot exclusion standard. Search robots, etc. for illegal purposes may not comply with the robots.txt rule. Therefore, the information that .. 2020. 10. 7.
[Firebase] Using Cloud Firestore as Database In this posting, we will use the Cloud Firestore of Firebase. Cloud Firestore is a NoSQL database. For focusing on Firebase usage, I'm not focusing on the React application. Sample React Application I made a React application for this practice. Please make your own application. Briefly explanation, If I click the Input button, the input message will be sent to the Firebase DB. And the message wi.. 2020. 10. 4.
[Firebase] Firebase Authentication with React Firebase gives us tremendous convenience. In this posting, let's learn about authentication using Firebase. React Application For this practice, I used CRA (Create-React-App) that is the most used. I made the sign-in form. The explanation of the React application omits since I assumed that you can make a React application. I used styled-icons for the first time and it's not bad. The code was lon.. 2020. 10. 4.
[Nest] Unit Testing and E2E Testing In this time, let's find out the testing method of Nest. I'll use the server that I made in the previous posting to test. 2020/10/02 - [Web/Etc] - [Nest] Create a simple backend server Nest provides us with a whole testing environment consisting of Jest and SuperTest. Usage $ yarn test To run tests only once. $ yarn test:watch To run tests with watch mode. $ yarn test:cov To run tests with cover.. 2020. 10. 3.
[Nest] Create a simple backend server The Nest's catchphrase is like below. A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications. Let's make a simple Rest server with Nest. Installation $ yarn add -g @nestjs/cli or $ npm i -g @nest/cli Globally install Nest CLI, and you can use Nest with CLI. Create a Project $ nest new Then an interactive shell is executed. Choose what you want, I .. 2020. 10. 2.
[Web] Testing Rest API on VS Code Sometimes we want to simply test the backend that we have made. Also, these days the editor that is the most used is definitely VS Code. So in this posting, I will show you the simple Rest API test method on VS Code. Installation All we need is just REST Client extensions. Find humao.rest-client in the extensions marketplace, and install it. Back-End And, I don't have a backend right now, so I'l.. 2020. 9. 30.
[Gulp] Getting Started Gulf is introduced as follows: A toolkit to automate & enhance your workflow. Leverage Gulp and the flexibility of JavaScript to automate slow, repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines. Gulp has many useful plugins, we can use them with Gulp. Let's learn the basics of Gulp. Installation You need to install nodejs first. You can find the posting about it. 2020/08/30 - .. 2020. 9. 12.
[Babel] Getting Started Babel is a JS compiler or transpiler. It compiles the newer JS to old JS for supporting many browsers. Because there is a lot of browsers that do not support the newer JS. Babel can work with many bundlers or frameworks. In this posting, let's find out the basic usage of Babel. Installation Create a new project for practicing Babel. And then, install babel packages inside the project folder. $ y.. 2020. 9. 10.
[Pug] Getting Started Pug is a template engine that helps develop HTML like a programming language. Installation I'm using yarn, but if you use npm, it also works. $ yarn add -D pug Pug is usually used with other bundlers or frameworks. But in this posting, I'll use Pug directly. So, let's install one more package. $ yarn add -D pug-cli This package allows me to use a Pug in the terminal. Create Template for HTML Let.. 2020. 9. 9.
[Node] yarn yarn is a package manager like npm. Installation Install yarn to system. $ npm i -g yarn Lock the yarn version used by the project. $ yarn set version Usage Show help $ yarn help Show current version $ yarn --version Update to the latest version $ yarn set version latest Create a new project configuration $ yarn init $ yarn init -y Add a package $ yarn add $ yarn add --dev (-D) $ yarn add --peer.. 2020. 8. 30.