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[Python] Getting Started with Kaggle

by llHoYall 2021. 12. 11.

Kaggle is the most famous machine learning competition site.

Sign Up

Let's visit the site and sign up.



Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community

Kaggle is the world’s largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals.



Now, you can see this screen.

Competitions: You can select competitions that you want to join.

Courses: You can learn some topics.


Please search the titanic competition which is for the beginner.

Overview: You can get fundamental information about this competition.

Data: You can check the dataset for this competition.

Code: You can make your own code or see others.

Discussion: You can discuss this competition with other people.

Leaderboard: You can check the leaderboard of this competition.

Rules: You can check the rules of this competition.

Team: You can create your team for this competition.

Create the Code for Competition

Now, move to the Code tab.

Press the New Notebook button.

Then, the jupyter notebook is created.

You will implement the solution for the competition here.

After implementing the solution, you can save it through Save Version.

You can always use the saved version like git commit.

Submit the Solution

If you want to submit your solution, use Submit button in the Competitions menu.

Then, you will get the score.


Now, please enjoy the competitions.

Try to get a higher score.

Discuss with other people to get an idea.
