Let's make a desktop application using Vue3.
Create a Project using Vue-CLI
$ vue create vue-electron
Select "Manually select features" for some options.
I picked TypeScript, Router, and Vuex.
I will use Vue3.
And, I will use ESLint with Prettier.
Lastly, I will use dedicated config files for easier management.
$ cd vue-electron
Now, we have our project.
Adding Electron
Now, let's add Electron that is helpful to make a desktop application.
$ vue add electron-builder
※ You need to install node v14 or above.
All you need to do is selecting the version of Electron.
Adding TailwindCSS
Moreover, let's add TailwindCSS for styling.
$ vue add tailwind
Select configuration information.
Running an Application
Now, we have a great starting point for application development.
$ yarn electron:serve
We have this so easy way!!
Now, we can develop a desktop application like developing a web application with Vue3.
Building an Application
$ yarn electron:build
Then, the dist_electron folder would be generated with the results.
I hope you feel how easy to make a desktop application using Vue3.
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